Saturday, October 30, 2004
The plan
Bare Minimum is my 2004 NaNoWriMo entry.
Xodiac has been celibate for so long she is now dreaming about rejection. Her best friends convince her she needs to get some or else. With the absolute minimum standards she sets out on a quest to get laid.
I'm not going to write anything else until November first. I've set up this blog to archive daily which would be horrid in a normal blog but might work for this project.
I'm not sure yet whether I will post the entire output of the day or tidbits or if I will just have a breakdown and post inane trivialities from the confines of the Laughing Academy. I guess we will all find out.
Here's good luck and prolific writing to everyone else who is taking part in NaNoWriMo this year.